Dying Memory

Citizens live while they slowly die
so sad saying goodbye
But then all people inevitably die
and you have their stories, while you cry

Stories repeat less with time pass
transmitting the minimum, the quintessential essence
Yet as generations progress
stories and memories diminish more, rarely less

It's hard to right that wrong
as the future can only cherish a life through their song




- artwork by Felix Gonzalez-Torres - "Untitled" (Perfect Lovers) -
"...two clocks mounted to a wall. Over time the clocks drift, losing or gaining time as time passes. At some point one will stop. And eventually the other will too. - CW&T -

- mailed to Pennsylvania - 

Lots Of Life

There is a lot of life in a day

Dashing past a blind woman waiting
patiently for her destination.
Awareness dripping from her stance,
she whiffs dogs and attends to crooked sidewalks.
Decidedly punctual in her desire to move, she

Oceans of life in a day

The teacher stops at the classroom door,
taking a breath, before students roar.
They come with different histories,
varied insights, unique blind spots.
The teacher imagines what students will receive,
often feeling blind with what they leave.

There is a lot of life in a day

A scientist arriving,
blessing work and lab and
patrons who enable meaningful search.
Conclusions find scientists while dreaming, working.
Led blindly by an intuition,
the struggle pays by history remembering.

Oceans of life in a day

Falling for a lover to love
drops joy everywhere in sight.
Smile wrinkles increase
blinding the future.
Walking in life with a loved lover
results in the best lover love.

There is a lot of life in a day




- artwork by Andreas Gursky
- mailed to Ohio - 

my kind of way

It's my kind of way

Looking to the neon lights
     searching for the warmer colors to ignite
Elbowing time to slow or still
     watching it drip drip dripping upon my will
Flying flowing freely inside
     inclined to share the addiction shyly in stride
Steering sounds high and low
     composing webs of progress without veto

Asking your kind of way




- artwork by Julian Opie - "City walkers 2" -
- inspiration by the song "Sedona" by Houndmouth
- mailed to Indiana - 


Brains fill-up with junk
sometimes moments after waking-up.
Hard keeping clean the voices from within
depositing such information again again and again.

Brains fill up quick
bringing-on a dizzy delirious balance.
Bits hiding in tight slight corners
where so much dust gets missed.

Fighting frequently feels futile
falling face-first into despair.
But forcing moment to moment assessment
blends and balances flow, for that organ under the hair.

Now confusion will no longer be tolerated
saved for tomorrow's waking-up affairs.
Overflow will switch to flow
stopping saliva from dripping, from mouth to chair.




- artwork by John Chamberlain -
- mailed to Illinois - 


Let the bones run toward passion
Help the heart pump red far
Persuade brain to ratchet up optimism
Pick a fight worthy of a fight
Watch the tiniest piece of the world unfold
Sit with a joy tremolo-ing
Stand pummeling stress salaciously
Hear strange sounds cities make
Enable music for transport to dreams
Ferret out a wink until finding a laugh
Surprise onlookers - blow out those cheeks
Make a moment
Imagine loyalty
Detect beauty
Clutch love with might
Believe voices benevolent-ly
Finally, spot stories to tell
And go




- artwork by Oreka James
- mailed to Alaska - 


If you want to know about something
Shed light on it
Expose it
Look at it, examine it, play with it
It might delight
It might distress
If lucky
It will magically inform
Yet another chapter of you

How many chapters are allowed in the span of living
How many are available
How little love do we access
How big are we able to be
How intimate we can become with a stranger
Miraculously building a giant history
Even creating other humans
Along the way
With one we've played with,
Looked at, shed light upon
Wanted to know about



- artwork by Alexander Calder - "Blue Panel" - 1936
- mailed to Hawaii - 

Fight For The Right To Fight For What's Right

I do nothing
I don't like or dislike them
I do nothing

Used to feed humans, Used to protect people, Built for killing life
Commonly admired by those who possess
Often diminished by those who do not
For sport, serious play, intimidation
the list can go on and on and on

and now is a time to evaluate
the passion for possession
the moral movement against
strength of political persuasion
real reasons money is invested

The will of a majority does not work for some laws
Powerful politicians recommend laws
Informed strong minds hopefully decide laws
Greed sometimes gets in the way of law

and greed
    desiring money
    distorts actions
    acting like strength equals power
    fantastically selfish
is not law

I do nothing
Plenty do, entertainment is riddled with them
But I do nothing with a gun



- artwork by Zarina Hashmi...
- title taken from song "Mos Definitely" by Logic
- mailed to Maine - 

Hurry The Hanging

Sitting in this wooden home surrounded by creaking.
Those incessant wood sounds triggered by
a walk a wind a thought
The individual wood veins sit suspiciously silent
supporting the weight

Destroyed love hangs everywhere.
Attached to remodeled houses along the avenues of living
Looping around elementary school brains during the freedom of recess
Heavy in the air of dark beer-smelling bars
Branded on the mid-aged human purchasing farmer market food  

Destroyed love disappears the longer it hangs.
Dissipating steadily in fits and starts
Fleeing the scene of emotional shards
Melting away inconsistently
Corroding and eroding so life can sneak in



- artwork by Georgia O'Keeffe
- mailed to New Hampshire - 

Trees are Trees are

sometimes trees are just trees

standing there watching the ants
eating rain shedding leaves growing thicker skin
some get naked in winter

standing there in their splintered shapes
their strength streaks underground in avenues of curves
those urban trees have one advantage over the forest trees:

watching humans live while they kill themselves



- artwork by Gisela Colon
- mailed to Massachusetts - 

Cacophony Demolition

Talking takes the sting from a fight
deletes it probably never
and deposits it away inside

That sting pulses with venom created from within
produced by the alchemy of external influences
and internal dictums
The sting can rip a functioning human
into a dysfunctional puddle of confusion

That bird standing on the tip top of the lamp post
has survived solely by its evolved instincts
its song has no sting

That song humans sing
at times has too many notes
informed by sugary nonsense
steered by fuzzy money
the note to build on is singular without point




- artwork by 1010 - 
- mailed to Rhode Island - 

Kitchen Reflections

Study the spoon and find round impressions
     distorted like thoughtless views.
Cold pans and pots awaiting work
     like minds watching television news.
Note the corner for kibbles and nestled dog fur
     unhidden like a natural laugh.
Small power motors empowering cooking tools
     just as scents awaken the brain's photograph.

Water runs on and on then off
     dedicated to usefulness - a parenting dream.
A messy drawer inhabited by junk
     parallels the sparkling ideas we have yet to scheme.
Imagine nocturnal drinking-glass coffee-cup battles
     silly yet resembles the petty elephants held within.
Finally a click of the light switch sounding off or on
     enabling sustenance day or night again.



- mailed to Connecticut - 
- artwork by Frank Stella -