Rage Around

A battle sometimes rages
between the constantly curious, 
and the curiously questioning ones.

A choice of nobody's choosing --
we realize our category
by the slight anguish we feel
when meeting those others.

A cloud of rage floats all around --
mostly subdued, but sizzling at times.
Debilitating only when we allow.

wrong-right, democrat-republican,
constantly curious - curiously questioning,
no matter.
The honest exchange while listening, matters.


- mailed to Arkansas this week -
YouTube video here...
Art by Thronton Dial

Parents Are People?

They were your age once, 
People first. 
               Parents second.
Law defying adults in the home, 
               generous when they can be.
Burdened by instincts of protection, 
               they are busy while exampling.
Parents feed,
               and feed,
                           and feed children when they can.
Parents a-a-annoy. 
               And we (eventually) understand.
                           Enough. Enough.
I do not want to see my parents
               as their child sees them, anymore.
I want to see my parents
               as others always have -- as people.
A challenge, yes.
                Probably parents can help...


- poem sent to Louisiana this week - 
video read (with drums and bass) here...
Artwork by Tony Cragg


William Eggleston

William Eggleston

Outpouring anger toward
a thing, gives that thing more life --
interrupt it.
Depositing joy upon
a thing, brands that thing worthy --

Anger and joy are close close
companions; both perform to
the same audience. Joy shimmers
as we give it away, while

anger, "therein works a
miracle in nature," 
is given harshest to
those closest to us.
"Tread softly..." and unload
joy generously.


- poem mailed to Texas this week - 
video on YouTube

woo-ha woo-ha

Alexa Guariglia - Bee

Alexa Guariglia - Bee

Keep running into your life now
You'll fall into every good turn
When you see a light be sure to blink
so the dark will come along with you.
woo-ha woo-ha might la vida shine on you

Run into the work you do now
Go bold into a new known process
Use your heart and create a seam
and trust the stitch will come your way.
woo-ha woo-ha let la vida provide to you

Fly into good things of life now
They float away from your you
The best things keep getting replaced
so be sure to pay attention to all the cues.
woo-ha woo-ha create la vida that serves you


-- mailed to Kansas --
video read here...

inspired by this song, Water Fountain

Endless Expertise

Waqas Khan - Paradisiacal

Waqas Khan - Paradisiacal

Endless Expertise
Enough Enough with
Endless Expertise

Experts are Experts when their
Experience Encapsulates their work, Entirely

Evading, Expediting or Eliminating
the hard-work path to Expertise
can breed self-proclaiming Experts

Evil, in my Estimation…
well that might be Exaggerating…
Let’s say Egregious…

But Enough, Enough Entertainment from those
giving the semblance of Endless Expertise

Embrace what you Encounter
Educate an interest deeply

Be Encouraged to be Excellent
Experts never Expire
They Embolden others Enthusiastically
Exit, and Eventually End.

The End



video on YouTube here...

E. E. E.

Ellsworth Kelly - Blue Red Rocker

Ellsworth Kelly - Blue Red Rocker

E. E. E.
pen or pencil on paper
computer and keyboard on screen
mobile device and microphone and app
finger in mud without shoes, unclean

feather and blueberry juice on leaf
scissors and newspapers and glue
small rock on big boulder and muscle
toe and sand and camera, will do

all are tools - may be used for writing
none are vital, yet most fare useful.
but Experiencing Experiences
real or imagined
therein lies thee only Essential tool.



- Mailed to South Dakota - 
Video on YouTube...


Heave a heart back to rest
is no small task when asked.

Hurl that effort without being asked
may cause a crisis to be cast.

Deposit a pin upon a nerve
demands enormous subtlety to succeed.

Acknowledge how today serves to play
will entice a heart to recover;
and perhaps even to stay.


-This one went to North Dakota-

video here...


While standing, drinking martini, at the bar,

girl walks in. 
Obviously anxious --
darting eyes, 

tense muscles, intense spirit --

looking all-around constantly, 
particularly toward the door.
5, 10, 15 minutes pass.

A wheelchair rolls in the door.

People part to let a girl roll-in
while 'darting eyes' charges toward her.
The rush to help is sincere, unneeded, yet appreciated.

'Darting eyes' morphs into calm, quiet joy.

The concerned anxiety is transformed
into unflustered enthusiasm.
A glow of friendship blatantly permeates the bar chatter.

It happened. May it happen for you.


-Dan Gellert-

-This one mailed to Colorado-

video here...

a Solid C

Ricky Swallow

Ricky Swallow

a Solid C
Average. 76% - the
middle between better and worse.
a solid C.
Competent, leaking with potential.
No fuss flourish or fanfare either.
a solid C.

Some of the best things are solid C's.
An interest that isn't mastered yet.
A yearning desire swinging upward on the learning curve.
Stolid work.

Yes, stolid work; 
add a smile to stolid and you have most of life's tasks.
Most humans do just a few things above average, even excellent.
For all the rest,
a solid C, thankfully.
                                                            -Dan Gellert-


- Mailed to New Mexico for Poem People Project -

video here...


Seung Ah Paik - Leap

Seung Ah Paik - Leap

The aim of a T.V. remote is crucial;
Bad aim equals no response.

Aiming a response off-center
paralyzes less, than aiming straight-at a person.
Aiming astray allows for a reach, a wiggle, a movement.

Eyes, ears, mouth are all aimed-and-aiming all-the-time.
Selectivity and sensitivity required (please).


- Poem mailed to Arizona this week - 

Video if interested...

Acceptance Speech

Acceptance Speech
I gave. You got.
You now have and I have not.

Thank-you to you and you and you and you and you.
May your mind travel great distances with what I do.

The work is devoted to a simple-single-solid point.
A point that would be lost to me, if it weren't for you.

When clarity nudges my senses and gives me pause,
It translates something small into a dream devoted to all.

So I thank you for making me work.
What left from me and went to you,
frees up space in me,
to give more to you.

- This poem mailed to Utah - 

Video on YouTube...

Heart Of Earth

Sabastiao Salgado

Sabastiao Salgado

Heart Of Earth
The heart of the earth connects with nothing.
It is a bare unrefined truth.

Human hearts are acrobatic concerning connections.
     If there is interest, the human heart approaches.
     If there is desire, the human heart pursues.
     If hurt, the human heart seeks comfort.
     If lonely, the human heart finds activity.

The heart of the earth is bold, brutal. 
It can tread heavily upon humans --
Crushing human hearts easily and effortlessly.

When the human heart respects,
it systematically depletes any angst against it.
A truly invisible miracle enabling connection.

The heart of the earth appears to respect respect.
In small doses, it can channel beauty toward respect.

But, the heart of the earth may simply be ambivalent.
Therefore --
When the human heart connects
When the human heart respects
This is when a beauty is revealed.


- this poem mailed to Wyoming - 
